JSON Web Token (JWT) is a signed, URL-safe token that stores and encrypts information about a user in a JSON
object. This form of authentication is growing in popularity and is widely used for handling a user's session in an application.
What makes a JWT token secure?
The security of a JWT is reliant on the signature of the application issuing the token. For example, Auth0 provides a JWT to an application. To ensure a JWT is provided by Auth0 in the application, the application check with Auth0's JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) to validate the token.
Let's look at how the JWT Validation architecture will come together in this example.
- A user of the application, the client, logs in or signs up with an Auth0 login provider.
- The user is validated and returned to the application with a JWT Token.
- The JWT is sent to the server-side API in StepZen.
- StepZen ensures the JWT signature is valid by checking with the Auth0 JWKS. (step 1 of @sequence)
- StepZen returns the payload data. (step 2 of @sequence)
Step 1: User login
The user logs in with the universal login provided by Auth0.
Step 2: JWT token is generated
The user is redirected back to the application with a JWT token labeled idToken
and other user information.
NOTE: This object was generated by using the
in next-auth
user: {
id: '1234-56789-4b07-8e55-6e4f0f9bd708',
name: 'sam',
email: 'sam@stepzen.com',
metadata: { account: 'sampleaccount' },
idToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IlNhbSBIaWxsIiwibWV0YWRhdGEiOnsiYWNjb3VudCI6InNhbXBsZWFjY291bnQifSwiYWRtaW4iOmZhbHNlLCJpYXQiOjE1MTYyMzkwMjJ9.EJWpAOULAcYFLpkCu40VVTxmin0JvWP1HvxfKW3ihdRGNjHL08z-IKNtPvQa1GdF-N30ftdklYxtEeaLpUvSE-mSkKm_In_OY3kvQzqBJFZQeeV_vwQwU30J4KHlndCC9wB-PYBZt3Ydm-amTRGtEoOLgPBuY-U_WYc76305ckTBJNnp0tYMq67DGfLjQNGGjIEZ9_v2T3_i5DTA45Av9oCFiPA7aWtAGftyPG0uYtZEI0YjwrRbMI3RAsXlMhvuQ6NL-kdR7qzDcqfAhEuBCNn5dopCR1q5-lEDRfDuf-PPlwEbTHttdcnps1tbGtvrZ9RBsaTvciJvYmP7G-yGbA'
expires: '2022-11-18T20:35:29.017Z'
Step 3: Pass JWT Token as Bearer token in GraphQL Request to StepZen
If you take the idToken
from above and paste it into jwt.io, you can see the payload below, which is extracted from the token.
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "Sam Hill",
"metadata": {
"account": "sampleaccount"
"admin": false,
"iat": 1516239022
This is the same JWT token we will pass to StepZen as a bearer token in an API request. For this example, if the user asks for the appropriate account, we will return that account's payment_plan
async function executeFetch() {
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${user.idToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
const body = {
query: `query accountDetailsQuery($account: String!) {
user_details(account: $account) {
variables: {
account: user?.metadata?.account, // sampleaccount
const response = await fetch("https://account.stepzen.net/api/jwt-blog/__graphql", {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(body),
}).then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
} else if(response.status === 404) {
return Promise.reject({'error': 404})
} else {
return Promise.reject({'error': response.status})
.then(data => {
return data.data
.catch(error => {
return {'error': error}
return response
Step 4: StepZen checks that the account is associated with the JWT payload.
How will we ensure the account
passed in deployVariables
is associated with the account in the JWT payload?
First of all, why do we need to do this? It is pretty simple. If someone can replicate the GraphQL request above and we do not check with Auth0 that the JWT token is valid, they could obtain information about any users in the application.
Check that the JWT is valid and signed properly by Auth0
The JWT token is passed as a bearer token in the headers of the GraphQL request to StepZen.
StepZen validates the Bearer token in the GraphQL request with Auth0's JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS). An Auth0 JWKS is found at the Auth0 account's unique endpoint, https://auth0account.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json
We need to add two access policies in the StepZen config.yaml
- StepZen, by default, asks for an
rather than abearer
token forAuthorization
. We need to tell StepZen that if the example query,user_details
is made, look for abearer
token (JWT token) rather than anapikey
- type: Query
condition: 'false'
- name: Allowed queries
- user_details
condition: '?$jwt'
- Check that the signature of the JWT token is valid by providing the JWKS from Auth0.
- algorithm: rs256
issuer: https://auth0account.us.auth0.com
key: >
Here is the complete config.yaml
. This can go below any other configurations in the file to access your data sources.
- type: Query
condition: 'false'
- name: Allowed queries
- user_details
condition: '?$jwt'
- algorithm: rs256
issuer: https://dev-t8sgerx2.us.auth0.com
key: >
With this step successfully done, we can now ensure that a user making a GraphQL request is a valid user from our application. A user that provides any dummy JWT token as the bearer token will now be denied access to the endpoint.
Check the JWT payload contents
The next step is to ensure the validated user can only ask for their account data and not any account data from the endpoint.
Let us revise our ExecuteFetch()
const body = {
query: `query accountDetailsQuery($account: String!) {
user_details(account: $account) {
variables: {
account: user?.metadata?.account, // sampleaccount
From the query above, this user should only be able to ask for `sampleaccount` information. Lucky us, this account is also provided in the JWT token in the headers. And now that the JWT is validated, we can use this payload data in the JWT to check if the user can ask for the account information.
This leads us to the first step in the @sequence.
A query of `impersonatedAccount` will use the parameter [transforms](https://stepzen.com/docs/custom-graphql-directives/directives#transforms)
type ImpersonatedAccount {
The requested account name.
requested: String!
The account name recorded in the JWT.
self: String!
type Query {
Check whether or not an Auth0-issued JWT from the Authorization header allows
access to a given account, and return an `ImpersonatedAccount`.
If the requested account matches either the primary account or one of the
linked accounts in the JWT, then return the requested account credentials.
Otherwise the credentials in the returned object are set to `null`.
impersonatedAccount(account: String!): ImpersonatedAccount!
endpoint: "stepzen:empty"
transforms: [
editor: """
{"requested": $get("account")},
{"self": $get(metadata.account}
Let's look back at how metadata.account
is provided in the JWT token payload.
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "Sam Hill",
"metadata": {
"account": "sampleaccount" // This must match the account being requested in the query variables
"admin": false,
"iat": 1516239022
If these two account
strings do not match, null
is returned. If the strings match, we execute the second query of the @sequence, user_details_internal
type User_Details {
payment_plan: String
type Query {
user_details(account: String!): User_Details
steps: [
query: "impersonatedAccount"
query: "user_details_internal"
arguments: [{name: "account", argument: "account"}]
user_details_internal(account: String!): User_Details
endpoint: "https://dummyendpoint.com/"
configuration: "stripe_config"
The second step is any endpoint or database you source user information for your application. We pass the validated account as an argument and the @sequence
returns information about that specific account.
Amazing! You can validate your application's dynamic users with the business logic of a StepZen GraphQL schema. The server-side validation layer accomplishes the following steps when executing a GraphQL request.
- A JWT token is validated with the JWKS provided by Auth0
- The payload of the JWT token is extracted and compared to the requested account in the query variables.
- If a successful match is found, the account in the payload is merged with the requested account. This executes the second step of the
query. - The query can return any information about the requested account without compromising any data of other accounts on the platform.
Where To Go From Here
To learn more on how to use @sequence
, check out our docs. Check out the docs on connecting other backends to your endpoint - GraphQL.
If you've got more questions or want to hang out, hit us up on Discord; we'd love to chat.
This post was originally published on stepzen.com. Reposted automatically with Reposted.io.